Cheesy Gordita Crunch Calories

Cheesy Gordita Crunch Calories

Cheesy Gordita Crunch Calories
Cheesy Gordita Crunch Calories
Cheesy Gordita Crunch Calories

We are going to cover cheesy gordita crunch calories, cheesy gordita crunch price, an also a cheesy gordita crunch review.

What is a Cheesy Gordita Crunch exactly?

Maybe it’s just me, but I like its kind of like a mexican taco/burrito type deal. It is a mexican corn pastry dish that is jam packed with meat, cheese and other fixings. It also means “chubby” in spanish. My goodness!

Check out more on the Gordita:

Taco Bell Gordita Crunch Calories

Here is a basic break down of the calories in a Cheesy Gordita Crunch. This is based on 1 serving, or 1 Gordita.

The Gordita has 500 Calories per serving (1).

How long to burn off 1 Cheesy Gordita?

So after you enjoy a delicious Gordita, how long to burn off the substantial 500 calories?
We are assuming that you are a female in your thirties, average weight 150 pounds and about 5’5.
To burn off 500 calories, you would need to walk for 140 minutes. You could also swim for 45 minutes. Jogging for close to 1 hour would also suffice. You could also take a 70 minute bike ride. I’d recommend trying to burn off the substantial 500 calories to avoid becoming “gordita”!

Cheesy gordita crunch Nutritional Facts

Here is the a little more on the basic facts on nutritional information for the cheesy Gordita Crunch from Taco Bell.

The gordita has 500 calories and 28 grams of fat. About 50% (10G) is saturated fat.
It contains 41 grams of carbs, 5 grams of fiber and 20 grams of protein. So no, its not diet food, but it will fill you up for a while, that’s for sure!

It contains 55 mg of cholesterol and 840 mg of sodium.
It has 4 grams of sugar and 300 mg of calcium. It contains 500 mg of Vitamin A and 1 mg of vitamin C. It has 3 mg of iron.

Cheesy Gordita Crunch Price

Of course, the price you will pay for a Cheesy Gordita Crunch will vary by state.
Here is an average price on what you should expect to pay in US dollars at a US location.

Cheesy Gordita Crunch $2.69
Gordita Supreme (Beef) $2.49
Gordita Supreme (Chicken) $3.19
Doritos Cheesy Gordita Crunch $2.99

Cheesy Gordita Crunch Review

The gordita is an interesting beast.
Its not really a taco, its not a pocket, its a whole mess of goodness.
There is a lot of cheese, beef, and the textures are, um interesting.
The sauce is a nice creamy spicy concoction that completes the heartiness of the other ingredients.

When you start to open the package, its a lot to take in. You get a main visual of lettuce, cheese, sauce and meat, an oohy gooey mess of gordita!

Its a little hard to handle when eating, as the wet inside ingredients slosh around and become hard to manage.
This can easily become a messy, squirty mess even for the professional gordita geek.

A good remedy is to eat both sides and plan your attack. But what do they say “you wanna make an omelette, you got to break some eggs?” Everything has a price, and this might mean acquiring more napkins at the onset of your dining experience.

To sauce or not to sauce? That is the question!

I’m a huge sauce guy, and I love the taco bell sauces. Since I can be brave at times when it comes to dining experiences, I went for the sauce. A little hot or mild taco bell sauce on the cheesy gordita crunch made my taste buds smile!


Overall its hard to go wrong with the Gordita at its price point. It has a nice contrast of cheesy, crunchy, saucy, meaty and lettucey (is that a word?)
The cheese is abundant, and so is the flavor. Id recommend everyone try it out at your nearest taco bell at least once.

4 out of 5 stars!